The excellence of a country is graded on the quality of their public education. The excellence grading in present day Chile is subpar at most. It is common knowledge that Chile, in the eyes of the world, is seen as an underdeveloped country. In light of the presidential elections that are right around the corner, each candidate has based their campaign on how they can play their part in making Chile a member of the developed country elite. This dream to many, is seen as far-fetched and hardly realistic. How is it that Chile can turn around its economic decline and lower its population of poverty- ridden citizens in four years or less? The answer is, it’s not possible… in four years or less. Obviously such drastic changes take action in a rippling effect; it takes some time before the water by the edge of the pond reacts to the stone thrown in. What Chile needs is total reform of the public education system, from the funding all the way to the duration of each class. Education is power, power is liberation, liberation is revolution, and revolution is change. We, the people, have the chance to work for change before it’s too late.
Caroline Carvajal


  1. yes! Education is power, power is liberation! as social workers we can transform the world from education!


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