“Stigma on women in the working World”

         “Stigma on women in the working World”

In analyzing the wage gap in Chile over the past few years, there can be a big difference in paid work between men and women, and the woman gets a lower salary than men. It can be realized that men's wages have increased over time, as do women's, but it is still evident that there is a noticeable difference between the male and female wage, which despite a small decrease in the difference between salaries, there is still a significant wage gap.

“The old forms of subordination or exclusion are reconsidered. They are fighting by denouncing the contradiction between the theoretical equality of rights and inequalities in fact. To these inequalities it would be better to call them injustices in order not to confuse justice with inequality "(Agacinski, 2000, p. 160)
Since the author's statement, we can say that the wage gap is nothing more than a problem of justice that has harmed the female sex historically. The foregoing is seen as a direct consequence of gender inequality that has been reproduced throughout history in Chile and that although there have been changes and that women are no longer limited only to the care of the home and children, discrimination in the workplace continues to be observed in different ways, the wage gap being the most obvious expression of injustice and inequality.

The patriarchal and neoliberal system, which is a model that has led to greater economic liberation and less state intervention in the market, having repercussions on its transversality in the type of practices, interventions and ways of producing and reproducing, neoliberalism not only It is presented as a context, but as a rationality or an ethos, which is understood as a logic of inhabiting the world, with the female gender being an obvious victim of this context.  For women "Productive domestic work is part of their usual reproductive work, which has not been socially or economically recognized as productive work, remaining invisible as such at the family level, even in front of them, and in statistics." ( Fawaz-Yissi & Vallejos-Cartes, 2011, p.52). This work is very important, since it is the basis of the entire system in which we find ourselves immersed.

It should also be emphasized that the purpose of this essay is to reflect the salary inequality that exists in the labor world between men and women, which despite the fact that there has been an increase in the salary of the latter, is still poorly remunerated with respect to that men are paid. According to what I consider, this wage gap is no more than a reflection of the injustice that is being waged against women, it is evidence that in Chilean society there is still said hierarchy between the sexes and that men are superior to women and as a result, receives a higher compensation for the same work done, why? for "machismo" and the patriarchal paradigm that exists in Chile.


Agacinski, S. (2000). Política de sexos. Santiago de Chile.
* Fawaz-Yissi, J., & Vallejos-Cartes, R. (2011). Calidad de vida, ocupación, participación y roles de género: un sistema de indicadores sociales de sostenibilidad rural (Chile). Cuadernos de Desarrollo Rural. 


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