My autobiography

My name is Caroline, my friends and my family calls me Caro, because it´s easier, i'm 19 years old and i live in Chile, in the city of Santiago.
I was born on June 29th 1998, in year of the Tiger.
I'm a  distracted and bustling woman.
 I´m the third of four children in my family. I have two elder brothers and one younger sister
I´m student of first year at Universidad de Chile in Social Work
I chose this university degree because it focuses in the  purpose of social transformation and community development.
I love playing soccer, i'm playing in three teams, two for the Univeristy and one for the commune of Ñuñoa, it's exhausting, but Im training so i'm getting better every day.
I like singing and my siblings also, we love the music.
I'm grateful for this moment in the world, and I choose joy every day.
In love with life.


  1. Hi caro is so cool your life! me too love soccer but i not play :(

  2. Amazing! I congratulate you for practicing sports and inspiring others <3

  3. It is a joke ... do you play in three teams?, you're so cool...


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