My university career

Like anything in life when we choose what to study we need to find something we feel passion about, because here’s the deal in our future, so we have to think in our future, what I mean is that is not an easy decision. 

I chose this career, although it wasn’t my first choice, I didn’t know it before hand over the results of the PSU, the career I wanted to as a child it was Psychology, although I had the score to get into psychology at other universities, I always wanted to get to Universidad de Chile, because I like the approach then I searched other choice that covered my approaches and my taste, and appeared Social Work in my list of favorite.

Social Work covers many areas to like in the social sciences and could work in various fields to intervene in different social areas and create changes.
Without nothing more to say.

Caroline Carvajal.


  1. Is a right decision study Social Work. In the life all is for something, Rely in your person!

  2. Hello Caro <3, left me thinking a lot about your publication. I hope someday social work will become your passion!


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