My favorite subject of this year was the unit on the Social History of Chile. Though I must admit that the choice on picking my favorite subject did not come lightly for it is that I have acquired quite a fondness for the career as a whole. In my opinion, this study of the Chilean Social History not only tackles important issues, but it also proves that the present moment is not just the here in now, but that the present is helped shaped by the decisions and events of the past. This is something that the modern-day social worker should keep in mind so that they can be part in creating a future with more social equality so that we can be able to generate opportunities in which we can start to identify ourselves as free individuals. Daniel Fauré, my professor on the subject, is someone who helped spark my interest on this topic. His skill and passion for teaching is something that all of his alumni greatly appreciate. Even though his exams may be long and strenuous, it’s not such a hard price to pay in exchange for the high-quality education and a broadened mindset provided to us by Professor Fauré.
Caroline Carvajal


  1. I talked about the same subject, Chilean Social History

  2. Yessssssss! Professor Faure and the subject social history are great<3


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