well I would like to study something related with social psychology because psychology has been the career that has been in my mind the hole time I have been in school. Unfortunately I didn’t got the minimum points to be admitted in the university of Chile so I decided to chose social work because, despite having the chance to go into other universities to study psychology, when I got to know the career it caught my attention for the first moment. I feel like I made a really good decision because, in addition of loving my career, I love this university. However, this semester, I had social psychology in one of my subjects and it really called my attention the approach that it has from social work, leaving aside the individualization and the psychology of the “subject”. All the processes of the society really call my attention and that’s why I would like to go deeper and learn more about the reason of the human behavior.
Despite that, I know that this idea could change in time and maybe in the future I could want to study something different because I’ve gone through vocational crises a couple of times. The reason of those crises is because sometimes I feel like I would like to study music or to take dj courses because I love music and most of the times it represents my moods, as same as social sciences.
Anyway, now I just want to finish these four years that I have left in college because I proposed to myself some goals in “short” terms.
Also, the idea of leaving chile to travel around the world motivates me a lot, to learn from new cultures and realities and to work in other places. To be honest, college is the only thing that is limiting me right now for been traveling, because I have to finish my studies and because I don’t have enough money to do it.


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