What is your opinion about tattoos?

My opinion about tattoos is positive, because I like too much and I have seven in my body. I think that are a reflection of my likes, speaking from my personal opinion. I think the tattoos shouldn’t be criticized and people who have tattoos should not fall victim of prejudice by society.  Although I know it’s hard, because unfortunately prejudices and stereotypes are part of the society, even when I got here to my house whit my first tattoo, when I was fifteen, my mom gave me a long talk moral whit the typical commentary “you won’t find job”, I remember exactly what finished the discussion with my mom, she told me «why you close up so many doors?”  And I said “maybe those doors I never wanted to open up”, so she understood then that was based its opinion social prejudice.

What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana and abortion?

My opinion about legalizing marijuana is in favor, but I know that Chile is very far from the legalization of the weed; because in this country the people aren’t free although think they are we are subject in the society of the “risk”. Then are created political to the security for the whole of society, but in my opinion all the laws and benefit from to a social class respect to another.
 Will unite response whit my opinion about legalizing abortion, because I think that legislation on these topics is directly linked to the social classes, the consumption of cannabis it’s always been and will be and the abortion has always existed and thousands of women have dead for abortions clandestine I think that the woman’s body doesn’t have to be repressed in a legal framework.  Release the body is a difficult task, but frees the mind even more.


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