Introduction-Sustainable growth

Sustainable growth or sustainable development

Why is it so important to generate awareness of sustainable growth?

First of all, “sustainable growth is what takes into account economic growth with respect to nature and the subsistence of the next generations and, simultaneously, that serves social inclusion with equity criteria”.
We must realize as a society that we are living in a world that offers us vital resources, which are limited and that as people in constant reproduction we must take care of the form of consumption and exploitation of nature in a capitalist world, that what is sought is the growth of capital and generate more and more production and consumption, taking into account that we are not the only species that inhabits this planet and that we are part of an entire ecosystem that also has basic needs that nature offers us. The accumulation of capital until now is more than enough to stall the overproduction and exploitation of nature and to keep the majority of the world population with a decent quality of life, then it is time to generate changes, which are possible.


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